"Multifarious Approaches to Attain Sustainable Fashion"

By Dr. Nidhi L. Sharda and Mr. Mohan Kumar VK

from Nordic Textile Journal (textile arts; textile and fiber engineering)


The article “Multifarious Approaches to Attain Sustainable Fashion” is from the Scandinavian textile arts and fiber engineering journal Nordic Textile Journal. It discusses the findings from an experiment performed at a fashion design school in India. The design students were tasked with the goal of achieving sustainable fashion and increasing the overall lifecycle of an item of clothing. This idea of sustainable fashion recognizes that the fashion industry has a massive impact on the economy, society, and environment, and strives to limit the negative impact the industry has on these systems. The results of this experiment brought about six different innovations to the design process to increase the livelihood a single piece of clothing.

The discipline of textile arts relies on various materials to construct objects or clothing items. It focuses on how specific materials can be manipulated to create different designs and patterns. This is drastically different than Article #1, which focuses on the costs and numerical side of production.


The main idea of this article is to increase longevity of a single item of clothing, in turn decreasing the negative global impacts of the fashion industry. One of the main themes throughout the article is a sense of concern for the environmental impact. Words like "sustainable," "water," and "environmental" emphasize this idea. Furthermore, a category of increasing functionality is very apparent within the writing, for example both “multifunctional garments" (also called convertibles or transformers) and “two life cycles for one fashion product” (Sharda and Kumar 32) reflect this theme as well.

Article #2

Article 2 Memos

Posted on 12 May 2017, 4:13
Last updated 12 May 2017, 5:21

"Multifarious Approaches to Attain Sustainable Fashion"

from Nordic Textile Journal (textile arts, textile and fiber engineering) Scandinavian

First Impressions:

  • color!
  • images with captions different colored font for captions
  • labeled sections (# and title)
  • quoted references or phrases or terms related to the sustainable fashion movement
  • design process steps with arrow
  • list of two main objectives


The article includes colored images of the various design concepts and final products. Due to the fact that this was an article presenting the results of a fashion design experiment, it would only make sense that the authors would chose to include images in their articles. The inclusion of these photos help the audience understand the functionality and designs the author describes. Each image is equipped with captions, such as B3 and A1, so that they can be referred to within the context of the writing.

Even though this article was published in the Scandinavian region, the authors are Indian and the experiment took place at The National Institute of Fashion Technology in Bangalore, India. This location plays a key role in the stance the article takes on fast fashion. The introduction includes a small anecdote about Mahatma Gandhi, explaining how he spearheaded the sustainable clothing movement in order to promote a sustainable living environment for the people of India. India is commonly known as a location that many large corporations outsource their work to. It therefore makes sense that the authors of this article would express concern for the environmental and social impacts of the textile industry, as they have experienced firsthand the negative impact it leaves. It also explains why the school would choose to allocate this assignment to its students. India’s place within the fast fashion industry as a significant producer of cheap labor reinforces the importance of this article to Indian society and how new innovations in design could positively impact India as a whole.