Second Draft Changes

I originally had written this project to be a traditional analysis paper; however, as I began the revision process I decided that Mahara would give me the opportunity to create a much better final outcome.  In the second draft I grouped paragraphs into sections and labeled them with what I wanted to be the tab names.  My hope is that the final product will look like a blog, with many different multimodal elements combining to create a single unified concept.

Revision Plan

  1. Add paragraph to “Welcome to Oblivia” section discussing theme park warpdness (carnies, creepy but a different take on it) like a creepy funhouse you cant escape, emphasizing the idea of lack of freedom more
    • Elaborate on 1984
  2. Add to freedom section, discuss how this oblivia actually is showing how we have no freedom, chained and we don’t realize we actually are not free
  3. Rewrite thesis and intro to reflect new central idea
  4. Edit conclusion to reflect no central idea
  5. Reread and check for cohesiveness
  6. Move to mahara
    • Add Images
    • Add Music Video
    • Possibly add page with lyrics and song playing in background? (if time permits)

All changes will be printed in blue colored font

Revision Map

First Draft with Peer Editor Comments

Second Draft